Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The future.......

My brain just exploded. I just read the date 2016. The year, the date, 2016. Is it just me or does this look like a totally made up date? My brain can cope with 2012 - 2013 and beyond? Nope, doesn't exist.


Kirsty said...

2016 is...beyond my comprehension. It looks like the kind of date when we'll all be living in the Jetsons or Tracy Island or something.

PLEASE tell me no-one's talking about dates in 2016 (because I'm likely to tell them to eff-off until way after 2010!)

Sepha said...

@Ciorstadh *Exactly!* It's *totally* Jetsons.
And rest easy - I was reading blogs dissecting the U.S. Election and talking about Searah Palin's plans and would she run for president in 2012 or 2016 (aka The Jetsons Era). I'm not sure we even spoke of 2010 last night! :)

Sweet Camden Lass said...

I discussed 2010 today with a lady at the checkout in Sainsbury's. Who didn't realise that Brownies still existed (her small grandson, a Cub, was adamant they didn't, apparently).

2016. Lalala. Not there. ~x~