Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Doom downgraded

Cancel doom - not required today.
All is the same; no progression - Stable still.
It's amazing how tiring it is to sit around waiting and take this stuff in.
So, you may stand down from panic stations - for now. :)
And sadly, I have to start taking tablets again on Saturday ::sigh::
The extra week off has stymied all my holiday planning as well.
We're having a week in Cornwall in September once the schools have gone back. And two weeks in Scotland in August. Lucky, lucky me! Plus *two* weekends in York for weddings. All very pleasing. I'm looking forward to tea at Taylors - I haven't been for *years*. I can still vividly remember day trips with the family to York - particularly with my US grammy; she *loved* York. On one trip I bought my copy of "The Chalet School at War" and read it all the way home on the train......maybe I'll take it along for old time's sake! ;)


laurie said...

Stable is good. Very good. I hate CT scans, too.

Kirsty said...

Hurrah for stable and lots of trips away :-)

I agree with you about CS at War -- if nothing else, it's one of EBD's better books!