Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I don't think I've mentioned that I'm singing in the Proms. Well, I'm singing in the Proms. Prom 20 and 21 to be exact, on the 29th of July as part of the 'London rabble' in Orlando Gough's new piece "We turned on the light".
We started rehearsing a couple of weekends ago: none of us knew each other and now, now, we're pretty tight and are making a really good sound together. The piece is not as far-out and weird as I feared it might be. It's a text by Caryl Churchill about global warming (sounds dull, doesn't it?) but it's growing on me and I certainly think the mass of different choirs and groups - including The Shout - will sound absolutely amazing. We'll be performing it twice and it'll be broadcast live on BBC radio 3.

So we started with a weekend rehearsal which was pretty tiring and now we're rehearsing on Tuesday nights. I have learnt a new tongue-twister to add to my vocal warm-up: He rattled his bottles in Rollix's yard. Go on, try it; you know you want to!! And we've had some great African songs to use as warm-ups too. Lots of fun. And it's been so nice to be singing again:

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