Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Say 'hello'

Won't you say 'hello'?
If you're the person visiting from BCC or Westminster, or indeed, anywhere - won't you say 'hello'?
I promise not to bite - I'm just interested to know who you are....

And if you've landed here because you've done a google search for 'portocath' - read on - in fact, I'll label those posts tomorrow so they're more easily found. I have a portocath, it's great, it wasn't trouble-free to start with but it made chemo a lot easier to stand. And you can say 'hello' if you'd like to; or just know that if you did, I'd be thinking of you.


Unknown said...


Thought I'd respond to your 'say hello' post. I found your blog linked from the Pink for October site. Yeah, I went pink too and I don't really like the colo(u)r either. I have been living in fear of our administration telling me to get rid of the pink, but here we are almost at the end of October and no-one has complained. Cool! I think I'll put up a small pink ribbon once the main site becomes boring-old-white-and-blue again.

My wife had breast cancer about 5 years ago. She went through the "red devil" chemo and radio routine, although no mastectomy. It takes a while but the numb/tingling fingers eventually get considerably better - she can now do up buttons better than I can :-) Her maintenance has now been switched from Tamoxifen to Femara - I guess the latter depends on whether the tumor was receptor positive or not.

Sounds like they gave you a good old blast, if you had to have GM-CSF... nasty, but it's all worth it if it gets rid of the cancer!

Yeah, I'm not a very good conversationalist :-)

Stay well

- David

Anonymous said...

Hello from Australia...I came across your site by accident whilst searching for info on my portocath. I've enjoyed reading your comments very much and although I am 64 (65 0n Saturday) and can identify with everything you say about the breast Cancer experience! I was diagnosed in Sept. 2005, had a mastectomy in the October followed by Chemo for five months. After my first Chemo my beautiful daughjter-in-law died of a massive heart attack and my son had to come to terms with the fact that he was a single parent of three children and his mother was in a fragile situation. I barely remember how I got through the chemo and the radiotherapy...my arm was a mass of collapsed veins and I had to have a portocath inserted to take the Herceptin shots which I have every three weeks for the next year. It's all a bit of a bugger and now the portocath is coming out because it has become painful...as soon as I jump one hurdle there's another and I'm not as spry as I used to be...but I've got to be there for my family and especially those grandchildren ...that is a powerful motivation!
I wish you all the best and keep that spirit going...you have inspired me and I will keep on fighting.
God bless
Rennay from Oz