Friday, December 21, 2007

Naughty or nice

Remember what I mentioned about the cat and the tree??
Well, tree met floor with resounding crash yesterday evening as the cat tried dabbling in the water at the bottom (at least that's the theory). So, some smashed ornaments, water all over the floor, sodden rug and us trying to screw the tree into the floor at 8pm.
And now he's just knocked the watering can over - more water all over the floor.
Someone's not getting a visit from Santa Claus this year........


Sweet Camden Lass said...

Have just laughed so hard I set the beeping keyring off...Can we have a picture of the cat, please?


Sweet Camden Lass said...

p.s. Uncle Steve spilt water everywhere this morning as well. It is the day for it.
Hope it all dries up soon.